Beautiful pics of A.J. Mendez and Africa Zavala feet & legs

AJ Almasi, born Andrea Almasi June 5, 1985 Hendersonville Tennessee is an American Model. Almasi was Briefcase Model Number. 19 during the premiere season of NBC TV Game Show Deal or No Deal the show that was a hit show in December of 2005. AJ was raised in Hendersonville Tennessee as an awkward "tom boy" sporting glasses and braces. She didn't believe she could do this but loves to do it. Family and friend told AJ that because of her "bubbly character" she could achieve everything. Almasi became a beautiful glamour woman when she started her career as a model as well as acting. Aj Almasi (born Andrea Almasi) was an actress who is famous for Deal or No Deal (2005) and Bikini Destinations (2003) and The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson (2005). Deal or No Deal (2005, Bikini destination (2003) and The Late Late Show (2005) are among her most memorable roles. she stood beside Briefcase AJ stays focussed on her work in acting and modeling as a model and actor in L.A. and hopes to perform much more.

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